1. 一月14日,紐愛音樂外交 前進越南、阿布達比
事實上,Alan Gilbert的母親是日本人,同時是"現任"紐約愛樂小提琴手(Yoko Tanabe)。這點可在紐約時報1/13日的報導中(http://www.nytimes.com/2009/01/13/arts/music/13gilb.html?ref=music)得知
紐約時報原文如下"Mr. Gilbert said his Japanese family ties and frequent work in Japan made the trip very personal for him. His mother, Yoko Takebe, is Japanese born (and a Philharmonic violinist)."
2. 一月13日,古典樂壇 去年之最 巴倫波英最夯 艾奈特樂極生悲
文內"不久前被選為美國茱麗亞絃樂四重奏第一小提琴手的艾奈特(Nicolas Eanet)運氣最不好,甫獲選出就滑雪摔斷手。"
Eanet的確是摔斷手,不過原因是因為在中央公園滑直排輪(10/17/2008紐約時報 Juilliard Quartet Names New Violinist
第二段 "But the announcement is clouded by news that would send shivers
down the spine of any string player. A recent accident while on in-line
skates left Mr. Eanet, 36, with a broken wrist."
另外,新聞中最後一段"紐約市立歌劇院準藝術總監莫提耶(Gerard Mortier)還沒上任就走人,因為他嫌歌劇院付他的錢太少,歌劇院也只能認了。"
原文如下: "Speaking by telephone from his apartment in Ghent, Belgium, Mr. Mortier
said he decided to resign when it became clear that the board would not give him the money needed to produce a meaningful slate of opera productions. He said that from the start he had been promised a budget of $60 million, a number even mentioned in his contract. But the board was prepared to approve only $36 million, he said, not much more than the basic fixed costs of running the company, leaving him little room
for innovative productions."